Beauty | My Beauty Tools.

What I truly like about everything beauty, is the diversity you’ll find. There are many options available for your skin, you will find a product that suits you the best. From high end to drugstore to vegan to cruelty free to products for all skin types and colour. Thankfully beauty brands are very dynamic and changes a lot!

I don’t know about you guys, but I like to have items that I can use for a long time. If you had the opportunity to visit my room, you would find stuff I have for ages. My little brothers say that I have a store in my room, because I’m such a hoarder when it comes to reusable stuff. Or anything stuff…I’m just a person who takes care of her belongings. I believe I’m not the only one, after all we work for it.

If you are a everything beauty related addict like me, I would like to introduce you to my beauty must haves. First, I would like to start with a basic must have, makeup brushes. Having makeup brushes from good quality helps a lot with applying makeup. I like the brushes from Real Techniques, the hairs/bristles don’t come off and feel soft. When I apply my makeup with it, it goes smooth over my face and eyelids. I also like that they have written on the brushes what you can use the brushes for. Perfect for when you are a newbie in the makeup game. It also doesn’t cost much; it comes in sets. So, you have a couple of brushes that are worth your money. I have been using it for quite a while now and they are still in a good shape.

I have been thinking about my skincare routine a lot lately. As I’m getting older, I want to change or add products into my routine. When I was younger, I didn’t care much about skincare. Now I love to put a mask on, use vitamin c, eye serum and more! However, once in while or when I’m not too busy or tired, I like to use beauty tools for that extra bit of care. I’m hooked lately on my heart shaped rose quartz from H&M. I use it after my vitamin c serum, just to relax my muscles and for the blood circulation on my face and neck. I also love to put it in my refrigerator for that cold touch under my eye. The roller, also from H&M, I use it when I applied a sheet mask on my face. This way the ingredients of the sheet mask get absorbed through my skin. The tool with the rose quartz round vibrates. I namely use it on and around my eyes. During my day I wear contact lenses or glasses when I work behind a screen for 8 hours. Sometimes my eyes feel dry and irritated. So, I like to take care of them too. When I put a sheet mask on, I sometimes use a derma roller from Swiss Clinic on my jawline. Just to give my skin a boost and let it heal my acne scars, that I still suffer from due to PCOS. But that is a story for another day!

When I really want to pamper myself, I use the big guns. The light therapy device from Touch Beauty heats my skin gently and increases the production of collagen. It gives my complexion a youthful look. For those annoying and stubborn blackheads, I use Pore Perfection. The gentle suction helps to remove blackheads on my forehead, nose, and apple cheeks. When I’m finished my skin feels soft and has a natural glow. What I love about all the tools, is that it is easy and quick to use.

What is your beauty tool that I should try?



Disclaimer: Touch Beauty light therapy device and derma roller has been gifted to me.


Follow me on Instagram & SnapChat SaidaSnaps

31 thoughts on “Beauty | My Beauty Tools.

  1. Just like anything else, having the right tools gets the job done. These are great tools for ladies. Thanks for sharing!

  2. While me as a guy do not use these products, these beauty tools are still very familiar because my sister has them all haha. She even has a tool that she regularly use to help her get rid of double chin.

  3. I really need to start taking care of my skin at your level. I’m beginning to see the damage and I need to fix it asap.

  4. I just gave my daughter all of my beauty brushes except one. I have them and don’t use them and I know she will!

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