DRINKS | Moroccan Tea.





“You are not Moroccan if you don’t know how to make Moroccan tea.’’

Well, that is a strong opinion; then I have to confess: I can make Moroccan tea but there was a time I did not drink it! What you hear about Moroccan tea: too sweet! It’s true. That was the reason I did not drink it. I know what you think: don’t drink it sweet? Believe me when I say I do now but drinking Moroccan tea happens mostly during family gatherings and has a special way to make it. And it is kind of rude to ask only for you tea without sugar. But let me say; if they knew it before they will make it to your wishes.

So, the ones you see everywhere: a cup of mint tea with still the mint leaves in it is just a quick way to make it.


  • Mint Leaves.
  • Dried Green Tea.
  • Sugar (or not).
  • Water.


Boil water until you get bubbles. Pour one tablespoon of dried green tea in the pot. A Moroccan pot is perfect for it. It’s cultural, curvy and beautiful! If you don’t have one, don’t worry a normal teapot works fine. Pour a little bit of the boiled water in the pot swish or swirl it around and pour the water in a cup. Do not throw this away! We are going to use this later. Pour again a little bit of boiled water in the pot, swirl around pour it again in a cup. This time throw the cup away. We do this because the first cup still contains the core of the flavour the second cup is brighter as you can see whenever you make it and is basically not useful. So you are not wasting anything.

Add mint leaves in the pot; use a large amount of the leaves for that extra delicious mint flavour. Then add sugar, as much as you like. Pour the cup you left behind back in the pot and add more boiling water into the pot. Place the pot on the stove and boil it again until you see small foam bubbles. We do this to caramelize the sugar and this gives the Moroccan tea that special flavour!

Before serving pour the tea in a cup pour it back in the tea pot to mix all the ingredients. Pour then the tea high above the cup to get that special foam.

So many steps for that perfect Moroccan tea, enjoy it until the last drop!